Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Mindset: It Can Take You Far

Mindset.  It’s not a word I understood or thought of very often.  I had heard of positive thinking, the “I think I can, I think I can”, and thought this was mindset.  But two years ago I read the book Mindset: The New Psychology of Success by Carol Deweck.  What I learned is mindset is so much more.  It’s a feeling, a choice, something that can be cultivated to change and to grow, and it is something I now think of every day.

So what is mindset?  Well, according to Dekweck when it comes to mindset you fall into one of two types – a fixed mindset, or a growth mindset.  How you see the world, how you view success and failure, and your reactions to stressful situations can help you identify your current mindset.  A fixed mindset feels like a victim, and feels they are as smart as they are ever going to be.  Things happen to you, and you have no control over them.  A growth mindset is different.  In a growth mindset you see the opportunities to learn and grow – to become better.  You learn from your mistakes and don’t dwell on them, always moving forward.

While reading Mindset I was surprised to learn I was more of a fixed mindset.  I believed I was as smart as I would ever be, and if I didn't know something I felt I wasn't smart.  When I was younger I really didn't participate in sports.  Looking back it was my fixed mindset that held me back.  If I couldn't just go out there and win, and know all the right stuff, then I didn't want to participate.  The idea of practice and hard work were things I knew, but not something I thought I needed to do.  Being good at sports was “natural”, or not.  But I changed my mindset.   I have developed a love and passion for running.   When I first started running in 2010 I couldn't even run half a mile without stopping or feeling wiped out.  If I had kept my fixed mindset I probably would have ended up hating running, and quitting before I even got started.  Focusing on growing as a runner helped change the way I look at things.  I have gotten to be a better by putting in the time to train, including some grueling speedwork, and reading about what it takes to be a good runner.  I now know that it does take hard work and there are so many pieces that come together to be a good runner, and one of the most important aspect of running for me is mental. (But that is a whole other post in itself)  Now I can run 13.1 miles, non-stop, and in under two hours – quite the accomplishment – all because I changed my mindset and decided to learn and grow.

So how do you change your mindset?  You have to make a commitment to yourself to think positive and learn from situations.   The next time you are faced with a situation and you feel the negative talk in your head or feel that something is happening to you, stop.  Think about how you want to approach this situation.  You have a choice to do as you always have done, and most likely get the same result.  Or, you can grow, challenge, and stretch yourself.  Step out of your comfort zone.  Once you've analyzed the situation, and thought about how you want to respond, make a choice.  It won’t always be easy to respond with a growth mindset.  But like anything else a little practice will make it easier and easier over time.

 I am happy to say that my mindset has improved, but is still a work in progress.  I am now more focused and open to learning new things, to putting in the hard work needed to grow, and to be successful on my own terms.  I am still a perfectionist, and have a fear of failure, but I don’t let it paralyze me or hold me back.   My focus now is on the effort I put into something, and how I can become a better person by learning and growing outside my comfort zone.

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