Friday, July 10, 2015

Summer Fun or Summer Stress?

Summer is here, the kids are out of school and it should be all fun, right?  But what I’m feeling, and have heard from a lot of moms lately is that summer has been anything but fun.  Don’t get me wrong, taking trips and the “freedom” summer brings is great.  But there is more to it.  It takes a lot of work.  Summer planning starts in March for some of us.  Planning which camp the kids will go to over the summer, that summer vacation to get away from it all, and looking forward to not having to worry about homework or after school activities.  We often place our happiness in the future, and expect all this planning to create a wonderful, stress free summer.  Then summer arrives and we are still stressed out.  What’s up with that?   We have set the expectations high, and are often disappointed with our reality.  We miss what is going on around us now, in search of that “perfect” summer.  Here are 3 tips that have helped me slow down and enjoy the summer around you now.

 Don’t over plan.  My kids love to be busy in the summer.  I often hear, “Mom, where are we going today?” followed up by, “Who are we going with?”  In the never-ending need to keep my kids busy and fulfilled over the summer I would plan and pack in as much as possible.  However, this often backfired in the way of over-tired, over-stimulated, cranky kids.  Not to mention one stressed out mom who needs a drink at the end of the day.  So, to take the stress out of days like these I would only plan a few outings per week, and only for a part of the day.  Depending on the age of your kids, you know their limits.  Respect that; it will pay off for you in the end.  Also know that it’s ok to say no.  We often fear letting others down, or missing out on something fun.  But respect yourself, and your kids, stress levels and know when to say no.  Better yet, create a schedule.  This will help you see what you have already committed to.  Also make sure you schedule in some “down” or “quite” time.

           Embrace one day at a time.  Today is the only day that matters.  What happens today happens.  Embrace it and enjoy it because it will be gone tomorrow, never to return again.  All the planning you have done goes to waste if you don’t take the time to sit back and enjoy the moment as it is happening.  When we plan and plan things we often place feelings and emotions on a future event.  When things don’t go as plan we feel hurt, angry, or sad.  If we don’t place those emotion in the future, and allow what happens to happen we may be much happier.  If something goes wrong throughout the day ask yourself, “Does this really matter in the grand scheme of things?”  Chances are the blip along the way is just that – a blip – and will only ruin your day if you let it.  Often times the blips will be remembered fondly in the future as great stories.

           Make time for yourself.  As a busy mom trying to pull it all together we need to remember to take time for ourselves to recharge.  This might mean quiet time to read a good book, date night, a girls night out with friends, or a night in to watch a movie after the kids are in bed.  Go for a walk after dinner and enjoy the quiet around you – listen to the sounds and enjoy it.  Reflect on what you have done this summer, and be thankful for the memories you have made.  So what if things don’t go as planned?  Enjoy what you have and what is going on around you in this moment!

So when the school year is underway, and you long for those days of summer, don’t forget to enjoy the present moment – that is what really matters!