Friday, June 5, 2015

Getting Back on Track with Healthy Living

From time to time we all slip up, get off track, and end up eating things that are not good for us.  But don’t let one meal, one day, or even a few days define you.  Here are a few suggestions for getting back on track, and feeling better.

Don’t Be Hard on Yourself

Just because you had that cupcake doesn’t mean your whole journey to health has to end.  Many times people quit because they think they’ve blown it, it’s too hard to get back on track, or they continue to overindulge.  However, no one is perfect; we all eat the wrong things from time to time, or skip a workout or two, or feel lazy.  The most important thing is to pick yourself back up and take the first positive step back to healthy living.  You will be amazed with how quickly you can get back on track, just by taking the first step.

Remind Yourself of What You Want

There is a reason you started on this journey.  Remind yourself of this daily, and visualize yourself accomplishing your goal.  Use visuals, keep them where you can see them and be reminded of your reasons.  Post pictures or affirmation in places like the bedroom, bathroom mirror, or on the refrigerator.

Re-Start with a Short Term Goal and Be Prepared

Small steps will get you there. Start with going back to basics.  Start with one meal, or one beverage, one day at a time.  Starting your day with a healthy, balanced breakfast is a great way to set yourself up for success.   But also be prepared for future downfalls or obstacles.  Knowing what your weaknesses are ahead of time can help you be prepared when they come up in the future.  For example, if you travel a lot be sure to bring a few healthy snacks with you to avoid fast, convenience foods.

Understand Your Cravings

Your cravings are your body’s way of telling you what it needs in terms of vitamins and minerals.  If you are craving carbohydrates you are most likely in need of chromium and magnesium.  Reach for foods such as greens, a banana, avocado, apple, broccoli, or carrots to help you overcome your cravings.  Also increasing your water intake can help with curbing cravings.

Understand Why You Went Off Track in the First Place

This is a big one.  How were you feeling when you went of track - were you tired, stressed, upset, or frustrated?  Recognizing these feelings in the beginning and dealing with them head on can help you avoid getting off track in the first place.  Keep a journal of how you are feeling and your food choices.  The connection may surprise you.